JULY 8-12, 2019


São Carlos/SP


The workshop is focused in professionals of industry and other areas of knowledge, researchers of mathematics, statistics, computer sciences and related areas, phD students and senior year students of mathematical sciences.

The objective of the Brazilian Study Group with the Industry, also called “Workshop CeMEAI of Mathematical Solutions for Industrial Problems”, is to promote university-industry interaction, providing benefits from the mathematical sciences to the Brazilian industry. These groups work intensively over a week on specific problems brought to them by industry, commerce and the government sector. Applied mathematicians, statisticians and computer scientists collaborate to solve those problems and a verbal repair is provided as of the end of the week. Where necessary, a written report is provided within three months. These study groups first started at Oxford University during the 60’s. Because of their huge success, they have spread as a regular activity in many countries, for example South Africa, Germany, Australia, Canada, Spain, United States, England, Ireland and Portugal.


8/JUL 9/JUL 10/JUL 11/JUL 12/JUL
9:00 am Register and opening Study group Study group Study group Presentation and discussion of 2 problems
9:40 am Presentation – problem 1
10:20 am Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
10:40 am Presentation – problem 2 Presentation of the formulations Study group Study group Presentation and discussion of 2 problems
11:20 am Presentation – problem 3
12:00 pm Presentation – problem 4 Lecture:
César Camacho (FGV)*
12:40 pm Lunch at Ya San restaurant Lunch at Ya San restaurant Lunch at Ya San restaurant Lunch at Ya San restaurant Farewell
14:00 pm Presentation – problem 5 Study group Study group Study group
14:40 pm Presentation – problem 6
15:20 pm Presentation – problem 7
16:00 pm Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
16:20 pm Organization of study groups: Drafting of questions / beginning of formulations Study group Status of problems Presentation and discussion of 3 problems
17:00 pm
17:40 pm
18:30 pm Confraternization
at Mandala restaurant
Lecture title: Ciência de Dados na FGV
Abstract: A Escola de Matemática Aplicada – EMAp da FGV está sendo reestruturada de maneira a torná-la um centro de excelência em Matemática e suas aplicações. Em particular, está sendo criado um Centro de Ciência de Dados. Detalhes da nova governança e perspectivas de crescimento serão apresentadas.
