Author Archive CeMEAI


Reconstruction of Complex Network Dynamics from Data

Matteo Tanzi


Networks of interacting systems with heterogeneous degrees and community structures are ubiquitously found in natural and artificial systems such as, among others, neuronal networks, gene-regulatory networks, and power grids. Recovering the characteristics of the networks and of the dynamics from observations of the systems is a crucial problem that has attracted a lot of attention. In this talk, I will present an approach to reconstruct the statistical properties of the connectivity structure of the network when the interaction strength between units is weak and the isolated dynamics of the nodes is chaotic. With relatively short time-series, our method can recover the degree distribution, the community structures, and build a model for the isolated dynamics and the interactions. The approach combines machine learning techniques with recent results on the ergodic theory of high-dimensional coupled systems. The procedure is able to accurately reconstruct the characteristic of simulated dynamics when tested on Scale-Free networks and graphs presenting Rich-Club motifs. We then used the results to predict the transitions to collective behaviour of the system from a single multivariate timeseries, observed in a state far from the transition.


Community detection in networks with unobserved edges

Nick Jones


We develop a Bayesian hierarchical model to identify communities of time series. Fitting the model provides an end-to-end community detection algorithm that does not extract information as a sequence of point estimates but propagates uncertainties from the raw data to the community labels. Our approach naturally supports multiscale community detection as well as the selection of an optimal scale using model comparison. We study the properties of the algorithm using synthetic data and apply it to daily returns of constituents of the S&P100 index to identify salient communities of similar stocks.

With Till Hoffmann, Renaud Lambiotte, Leto Peel


The Causal Inference of Cortical Neural Networks during Music Improvisations

Xiaogeng Wan, Björn Crütz and Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen


We present an EEG study of two music improvisation experiments. Professional musicians with high level of improvisation skills were asked to perform music either according to notes (composed music) or in improvisation. Each piece of music was performed in two different modes: strict mode and ‘‘let-go’’ mode. Synchronized EEG data was measured from both musicians and listeners. We used one of the most reliable causality measures: conditional Mutual Information from Mixed Embedding (MIME), to analyze directed correlations between different EEG channels, which was combined with network theory to construct both intrabrain and cross-brain networks. Differences were identified in intrabrain neural networks between composed music and improvisation and between strict mode and ‘‘let-go’’ mode. Particular brain regions such as frontal, parietal and temporal regions were found to play a key role in differentiating the brain activities between different playing conditions. By comparing the level of degree centralities in intra-brain neural networks, we found a difference between the response of musicians and the listeners when comparing the different playing conditions.

Reference: PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.
0112776 December 9, 2014


Seizure dynamics in mice and men

Richard Rosch


From fruit flies to humans, epileptic seizures have been described in virtually all known neuronal model systems. They represent hypersynchronous electrical activity that disrupts normal brain function. Whilst an epileptic seizure is a phenomenon of integrated neuronal networks, identified causes for epilepsy range from molecules (‘epilepsy genes’), to whole-brain abnormalities (‘epileptogenic networks’). Computational models can help linking these different levels of explanation by allowing us insights into otherwise unobservable dynamics. One example approach is using Bayesian model inversions to fit interconnected neuronal population models to electroencephalography (EEG) measures of abnormal neuronal dynamics in epilepsy. Here I will illustrate two worked examples of how this approach can be applied to clinically relevant questions: by (1) offering insights into the epileptogenic effects of a specific molecular disruption of neuronal function (NMDAreceptor antibodies), and (2) making predictions of the epileptic brain’s response to perturbations (from intracranial recordings in patients undergoing epilepsy surgery).


Computational neuropsychology and active inference

Thomas Parr


Recent approaches to theoretical neurobiology assume that the brain possesses a generative model that is used to infer the causes of sensory data. This implies perception is a process of optimising posterior beliefs, while actions represent experiments to disambiguate between perceptual hypotheses. Under this view, neurological and psychiatric syndromes result from ‘broken’ generative models that represent a poor fit to a patient’s environment. In this talk, I will overview some of our recent work using active inference, as formulated for a Markov decision process, to examine the influence of prior beliefs on behaviour – with a focus on the active visual system. This enables a quantitative phenotyping of neuropsychological syndromes in which visuospatial exploration is disrupted. In brief, we can express computational lesions (for example, those that underwrite visual neglect) as alterations in the parameters of prior probability distributions. Doing so allows us to quantify the evidence associated with different plausible explanations for pathological behaviour.


I am therefore I think

Karl Friston


This overview of the free energy principle offers an account of embodied exchange with the world that associates neuronal operations with actively inferring the causes of our sensations. Its agenda is to link formal (mathematical) descriptions of dynamical systems to a description of perception in terms of beliefs and goals. The argument has two parts: the first calls on the lawful dynamics of any (weakly mixing) system – from a single cell to a human brain. These lawful dynamics suggest that (internal) states can be interpreted as modelling or predicting the (external) causes of sensory fluctuations. In other words, if a system exists, its internal states must encode probabilistic beliefs about external states. Heuristically, this means that if I exist (am) then I must have beliefs (think). The second part of the argument is that the only tenable beliefs I can entertain about myself are that I exist. This may seem rather obvious; however, it transpires that this is equivalent to believing that the world – and the way it is sampled – will resolve uncertainty about the causes of sensations. We will consider the implications for functional anatomy, in terms of predictive coding and hierarchical architectures, and conclude by looking at the epistemic, self-evidencing behaviour that emerges – using simulations of active inference.


Meeting on Network Inference and Random Dynamics

The workshop aims at bringing neuroscientists and mathematicians working at the cross roads of random dynamical systems and inference of network models. We will have ample time for discussions and the speakers will deliver 30mins talk followed by 30mins discussion.


May 2 @ UCL – 12 Queen Square
(WC1N 3BG)
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 1:30 Jeroen Lamb (Imperial)
1:30 – 2:00 Break
2:00 – 3:00 Thomas Parr (UCL)
3:00 – 4:00 Nick Jones (Imperial)
4:00 – 5:00 Richard Rosch (UCL)
May 3 @ Power and Control Group Lecture room
11th floor of the EEE Building
Imperial College London
11:00 – 12:00 Karl Friston (UCL)
12:00 – 1:00 Henrik Jensen (Imperial)
1:00 – 2:00 Lunch
2:00 – 3:00 Matteo Tanzi (Victoria)
3:00 – 4:00 Hayriye Cagnan (UCL)
4:00 – 5:00 Greg Pavliotis (Imperial)

Our workshop dinner will be on May 2 at Hubbard & Bell, starting @ 6pm.



ReconNeCT Project

Join us in the tour to uncover the rules of complex system from data!

We aim at reconstructing the connectivity networks from data and to predict the sudden changes of their behavior. Thereby we will be able to develop strategies to avoid malfunctioning.

The first step is develop a mathematical theory to describe emergent behavior in complex networks of nonlinear dynamical systems. These complex systems have a wild globally behavior making relevant phenomena such as collective dynamics to take place over finite time scales. As a consequence, these systems cannot be tackled by standard tools. The ReconNeCT Project fills this gap by developing a theory for emergent phenomena in complex networks. This theory opens enormous possibilities such as predicting critical transitions in complex systems and reconstructing the network dynamics from data.

1)  For each connectivity level, this theory will provide a low-dimensional description over finite time scales. Thereby, it allows for a description of collective phenomena in terms of the network structure.

2) The above objectives provide effect models over connectivity layers. Hence, it offers a way to reverse engineer the problem and obtain a model from data. Consequently, opening the possibility to predict critical transitions from data which would be impossible otherwise.

We will apply this theory to neuron networks and smart cities sensor data to predict the critical transitions and to help preventing catastrophes.


Pesquisadores da USP são selecionados pelo Instituto Serrapilheira

Pesquisadores da USP foram contemplados com o financiamento do Instituto Serrapilheira, primeira instituição privada de fomento à pesquisa no Brasil. Dentre os 65 projetos selecionados, oito advêm da Universidade.

O instituto irá fornecer até R$ 100 mil para que os cientistas apresentem a viabilidade de suas ideias durante 2018. As bolsas foram disputadas por 1.955 candidatos, de 331 instituições, distribuídas por 26 unidades federativas do País. Um dos critérios para a seleção foi o ano de conclusão do doutorado: só puderam participar os que terminaram há, no máximo, dez anos. Foram aprovados aqueles que apresentaram as propostas mais ousadas.

CLIQUE AQUI para ler a notícia completa!


Pesquisador Tiago Pereira tem projeto aprovado pelo Instituto Serrapilheira

Instituto Serrapilheira – uma instituição privada sem fins lucrativos, criada para valorizar a ciência e aumentar sua visibilidade e impacto no Brasil – acaba de concluir o processo de seleção de sua 1ª Chamada Pública.

O objetivo da seleção era escolher 65 projetos do universo de 1.955 propostas recebidas. Participaram da chamada pesquisadores de 331 instituições diferentes, espalhadas por 26 unidades federativas do país.

CLIQUE AQUI para ler a notícia completa!